Nice accomodations there and the next morning in small 5 pas- senger buses, with open roofs for picture taking, we set out on a tour of the reserve and got a lot of shots of elephants, zebra, giraffe, various gazelles and antelope and ostriches, with some baboons and lions thrown in.
We returned to Nairobe and the next day took off for Tan- zania. Since Kenya and Tanzania are not speaking to each other we couldn.t just fly the 100 miles between airports but, instead, had to fly about a 1000 miles west to Kilgali in Ruanda, a dif- ferent country, change planes to Tanzanian Airlines and fly the 1000 miles back to Arusha in Tanzania. From there we took offf in the same kind of mini buses for the famous Ngorongoro Crater. Roads in Tanzania leave much to be desired. Even the main road that we took to the cutoff was studded with areas of great chuck holes and torn up pavement every mile or so. But the
"We'll meet your demands on wages, retire- ment, holidays, and insurance but you guys can't come to work 'en femme' anymore!"